Friday, July 27, 2012

What Happened?!

Not that I'm currently looking, but being newly single I'm finding some very interesting changes in the dating world.

1- Since when did people start asking people out through text messages and not even's called "hanging out" these days.

2- There have always been these arbitrary rules that apply to "dating" like 'don't call for 3 days' after the first date, "don't call me, I'll call you"...ridiculous things like that. But now apparently if you send a guy/gal a text and say they take an hour to respond...apparently you now text them back double the time AFTER they text in this case you wouldn't respond for 2 hours! Really?! WTH?! When did this happen, and when did dating or "hanging out" become wayyy more complicated than it was in the past?

3- I understand that we are in a texting world now...I get it, and I'll admit that I enjoy a good text like anybody else, but there's nothing like the instant gratification of a phone call. You get all the info/interaction you need in that phone opposed to a text you may or may not get a response to. BUT during a phone call people don't just stop talking mid-conversation...but apparently this is common practice in the texting world. Not saying I'm not guilty of it sometimes, but I really try to communicate in a timely manner...and usually, I'd pick phone calls/face to face interaction over text messages any day.

4- Getting to know someone now happens more often through text messages or emailing on facebook...wah wah!! What happened to face to face interaction? Don't get me wrong...there are some people out there that you just don't want to really talk to in person...for example a bad date, or that annoying guy you're trying to happens, but again like I've said before there's nothing like getting to know someone in person or just spending time with those you care about. Sometimes for me it's a hassle to get getting ready and actually getting to the destination, but 9 times out of 10 I usually have a really great time and end up really happy that I went out and laughed, and made new memories.

However, with all of this said...I don't have a huge dating record...for whatever reason, the guys said they were/are "intimidated" by me (what does that even mean??), or the guys ended up dating my friends lol. So maybe I don't know "proper" dating protocol. Well, I guess I'll be finding out more and more as I go through this journey called life. :)

But for those of you who are single, have you noticed the same things? And even my friends who are in relationships...what about you?

Peace and Love,

Kandyce Marie

1 comment:

  1. Oh my hell! YES. I can relate to this one, too! When I was newly single I felt like I had two, giant left-feet. The dating norms were so (de)volved! You'll get the hang of it. . .or not. . .(not sure I ever did). But, it'll sure be an adventure :-)
